
Continuation Requirements

Once awarded the scholarship the student must submit to the Bowen Trust the following after each semester in order to keep the scholarship for the following semester:

Copy of the just completed semester grades
Letter of Continuation from the student stating they will be continuing the next semester at the same school and would like to continue the scholarship.

Deadlines to receive the above: 

By December 27th - Fall Semester grades and continuation letter due.

By June 7th - Spring Semester grades and continuation letter due.

Bowen Trust must receive the above for every semester that the student plans to attend school and receive the scholarship.

If the letter or grades are not submitted, the scholarship will be revoked unless the student requests and gets approved for an extension before the deadline.

Scholarship Duration

Freshman - Up to 4 years
Sophomore - Up to 3 years
Junior - Up to 2 years
Senior - 1 year

Important Notes

Scholarships are institution specific and require prior authorization if the student plans to transfer to another institution and keep the scholarship.

Funds are sent directly to the approved college or university.

Termination Conditions

Scholarships will be revoked if the student:

Fails to submit required semester documentations.
Receives a second "D" or two "D's" in one grading period.
(Student receiving a "D" in any class is placed on probation.)
Receives an F grade.
Is not enrolled as a full-time student.
Placed on probation or suspension by the school.
No longer requires financial assistance.

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